

性别:男 职称:研究员/博士生导师 Email:rlw2009@scau.edu.cn 办公电话:020-85280787 办公地址:科技楼613室


2006.9-2009.6 中山大学 生态学 博士
2003.9-2006.6 华南师范大学 动物学 硕士
1995.9-1999.6 山西师范大学 生物教育 学士


2015年1月至2016年1月,美国加州大学戴维斯分校访问学者,联系导师Richard Karban教授。
2011年5月至11月,美国密西西比大学国家天然产物研究中心访问学者,联系导师Zhiqiang Pan教授。


广东省生态学会第八届、第九届理事会理事,Allelopathy Journal(SCI期刊)副编辑。






1.薇甘菊萎蔫病毒-薇甘菊-桃蚜互作对薇甘菊入侵的影响及其机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目(31971554), 2020.01-2023.12(主持)
2. 薇甘菊萎蔫病毒遗传多样性分析及致病机理的研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,31470576,2015.1-2018.12(主持)
3. 薇甘菊萎蔫病毒生物学特性与传播机理的研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,31000260,2011.1-2013.12(主持)
4. 薇甘菊萎蔫病毒鉴定技术规程, 省农业标准化项目,2016.7-2018.7(主持)
5. 外来入侵植物薇甘菊快速适应性进化机制的研究,广东省自然科学基金,2017.5-2020.5(主持)
6. 水稻抗逆性育苗技术规程,省农业标准化项目,2017.9-2019.9(主持)
7. 辣椒间作栽培技术规程,省农业标准化项目,2017.9-2019.9(主持)
8. 利用豆科植物的化感作用控制田间杂草的研究,华南农业大学校人才引进项目,K09128,2009.10.-2011.12(主持)


[1] Wang Ruilong, Zhu-Salzman Keyan, Mohammed Esmail Abdalla Elzaki, Huang Qiaoqiao, Chen Shi, Ma Zhihui, Liu Shiwei and Zhang Jiaen*. Mikania micrantha wilt virus alters insect vector’s host preference to enhance its own spread. Viruses. 2019, 11(4), 336.
[2] Liu Shiwei, Mohammed Esmail Abdalla Elzaki, Christian Staehelin, Ma Zhihui, Qin Zhong, Wang Ruilong*. Exposure to herbicides reduces larval sensitivity to insecticides in Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Insect Science. 2019, 26(4): 711-720.
[3] Ma Zhihui, Mohammed Esmail Abdalla Elzaki, Guo Kaijuan, Fang Changxun, Ji Hongyi, Su Yijuan, Wang Ruilong*. Effects of Mikania micrantha wilt virus on endogenous hormones and interspecific competitive ability in Mikania micrantha H.B.K. Allelopathy Journal. 2019, 48(1): 35-44.
[4] Ji Hong-Yi, Christian Staehelin, Jiang Yan-Ping, Liu Shi-Wei, Ma Zhi-Hui, Su Yi-Juan, Zhang Jia-En,* Wang Ruilong*. Tobacco cutworm (Spodoptera Litura) larvae silenced in the NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase gene show increased susceptibility to phoxim. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2019, 20(15), 3839
[5] Wang Ruilong, Liu Shiwei, Scott R. Baerson, Qin Zhong, Ma Zhihui, Su Yijuan, Zhang Jiaen. Identification and Functional Analysis of a novel cytochrome P450 gene CYP9A105 associated with pyrethroid detoxification in Spodoptera exigua Hübner. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2018, 19 (3): 737.
[6] Huang Qiaoqiao, Li Xiaoxia , Huang Fangfang, Wang Ruilong, Lu Baoqian, Shen Yide, Fan Zhiwei, Lin Peiqun. Nutrient addition increases the capacity for division of labor and the benefits of clonal integration in an invasive plant. Science of the Total Environment. 2018, 643:1232-1238.
[7] Wang Ruilong*, Liu Shiwei, Xin Wiaowei, Chen Shi, Peng Guixiang, Su Yijian, Song Zuokong. Phenolic acids contents and allelopathic potential of 10-cultivars of alfalfa and their bioactivity. Allelopathy Journal. 2017, 40 (1): 63-70.
[8] Wang Ruilong, Zhu-Salzman Keyan, Scott R. Baerson, Xin Xiaowei, Li Jun, Su Yijuan, Zeng Rensen*. Identification of a novel cytochrome P450 CYP321B1 gene from tobacco cutworm (Spodoptera litura) and RNA interference to evaluate its role in commonly used insecticides. Insect Science. 2017, 24(2): 235-247.
[9] Wang Ruilong†, Yan Wenbin†, Quan Guoming†, Liu Shiwei, Zhang Jiaen*. Effects of light intensity on morphology and physiology of exotic invasive Bidens pilosa L. and non-invasive congener Bidens bipinnata L. Allelopathy Journal. 2017,42 (1): 157-167.
[10] Hu Niuyan, Wang Ruilong, Li Xin, Yu Yina*. Allelopathic potential of Dicranopteris pedata, Acacia auriculaeformis, Cinnamomum burmannii, and Melastoma malabathricum, for ecological control of Ipomoea cairica. Allelopathy Journal. 2017,41 (1): 93-100.
[11] Niu Jinbo, Wang Ruilong, Chen Chunyan, Jia Lianghai, Song Yuanyuan, Zeng Rensen*. Over-expression of OsCPS2 and OsCPS4 enhanced allelopathic potential in rice (Oryza sativa). Allelopathy Journal. 2017,41 (2): 258-268.
[12] Wang Ruilong, He Yanan, Christian Staehelin, Liu Shiwei, Su Yijuan, Zhang Jiaen. Identification of two cytochrome monooxygenase P450 Genes, CYP321A7 and CYP321A9, from the tobacco cutworm moth (Spodoptera Litura) and their expression in response to plant allelochemicals. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2017, 18 (11): 2278.
[13] Qin Zhong, Zhang Jiaen, Antonio Di Tommaso, Wang Ruilong, Liang Kaiming. Predicting the potential distribution of Lantana camara L. under RCP scenarios using ISI-MIP models. Climatic Change. 2016, 134(1):193-208.
[14] Wang Ruilong, Chen Shi, Qing Zhong, Feng Zhili, Xia Wenna, Su Yijian  Zhang Jiaen*. Effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on the seeding growth, photosynthetic characteristics and allelopathic potential of invasive plant Ipomoea cairica (L.) Sweet. Allelopathy Journal. 2016, 38 (2): 183-192.
[15] Wang Ruilong, Xia Wenna, Liu Shiwei,Qin Zhong, Liang Kaiming,Su Yijian  Zhang Jiaen*. Effects of water stress on the growth and allelopathic potential of invasive plant Mikania micrantha H.B.K. Allelopathy Journal. 2016, 39(2): 143-154.
[16] Wang Ruilong, Li Jun, Staehelin Christian, Xin Xiaowei, Su Yijuan, Zeng Rensen. Expression analysis of two P450 monooxygenase genes of the tobacco cutworm moth (Spodoptera litura) at different developmental stages and in response to plant allelochemicals. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 2015, 41(1):111-119.
[17] Wang Guoqing, Yuan ke, Zhang shu, Wang Ruilong*. Influence of Mikania micrantha wilt virus on growth, reproduction and allelopathic potential of its host. Allelopathy Journal. 2015, 35 (1): 87-96.
[18] Wang Ruilong, Xia Qingqing, Scott R Baerson, Ren Yong, Wang Jie, Su Yijuan, Sichun Zheng, Rensen Zeng. A novel cytochrome P450 CYP6AB14 gene in Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and its potential role in plant allelochemical detoxification. Journal of Insect Physiology. 2015, 75: 54-62.
[19] Wang Ruilong†, Quan Guoming†, Kang Xiao-wu†, Zhang Jiaen, Qin Zhong. Influence of Lantana camara on soil I. Effects on soil chemical properties, enzymes and microorganisms. Allelopathy Journal. 2015, 35 (2): 197-206
[20] Wang Ruilong, Staehelin Christian, Xia Qingqing, Su Yijuan, Zeng Rensen. Identification and Characterization of CYP9A40 from the Tobacco Cutworm Moth (Spodoptera Litura), A Cytochrome P450 Gene Induced by Plant Allelochemicals and Insecticides. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2015, 16(9): 22606-22620

1. 王瑞龙,曾任森,梁笑婷,辛效威,宋圆圆,苏贻娟,骆世明. 薇甘菊萎蔫病毒基因诊断试剂盒及检测方法,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 201210027972.0。
2. 王瑞龙,曾任森, 郑子豪, 任勇, 张晖, 宋圆圆, 苏贻娟. 利用薇甘菊萎蔫病毒生物控制薇甘菊的试剂盒和方法,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 201310311469.2。
3. 王瑞龙,曾任森, 王国庆, 董朝霞, 郑子豪, 张晖, 苏贻娟. 不同辣椒品种间作缓解连作障碍和控制病虫害的种植方法,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 201310662315.8。
4. 王瑞龙, 苏贻娟, 张舒, 吴豪. 一种处理水稻种子和秧苗以提高水稻抗性的方法, 中国发明专利,  专利号:ZL 201510319541.5。
5. 王瑞龙,章家恩,侯文韬,冀弘艺. 一种含乙烯利的防除薇甘菊的药剂及其应用,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 202010190650.2。
6. 王瑞龙,章家恩,冀弘艺,侯文韬. 一种含赤霉素的防除薇甘菊的药剂及其应用,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 202010190866.9。

1. 2015年参编《生命科学与生物技术现状与应用前景》。
2. 2018年参编《中国生态农场案例调查报告》。
3. 2019年参编《水稻生产管理关键技术问答》。

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